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Morgan Allen-Oliver


Something are just better when you make them yourself. These are one of those things...

A sugar or jam thermometer is very highly recommended, if not essential.

Ingredients. Makes 24 big ones!

2 Egg Whites

350g Caster Sugar

6 Gelatine Sheets

Vanilla Essence or other flavouring / colourings

50g Icing Sugar

2tbsp Corn Flour

Sunflower Oil, or other flavourless oil


1. Prepare the tin. Line a baking tray or tin that is about 20cm x 20cm with cling film and brush lightly with sunflower oil

2. Soak the gelatine sheets in 100ml of cold water and set aside. Put the caster sugar in a saucepan with 150ml of water and heat to dissolve, then bring the temperature up to the firm-ball stage (about 120 degrees C. This is where your thermometer comes in handy)

3. When you have reach temperature, very carefully add the gelatine sheets and the water they were soaked in to the sugar syrup and remove from the heat. Stir to dissolve

4. In your stand mixture, whisk the egg whites up to stiff peaks. As you have stiff peaks, reduce the speed of the mixer, slowly and steadily pour in the sugar and gelatine mixture (you may want to decant it into a heatproof jug for ease)

5. When all the sugar is incorporated, add your vanilla or other flavouring / colourings. Turn the speed back up and whisk for a good 10 minutes until the mixture has thickened up and looking glorious

6. Meanwhile, mix together the icing sugar and corn flour and coat the oiled cling film in the tray. Knock off the excess and and keep the left over powder for later

7. When the glorious mixture is ready, pour into your prepared tin and smooth down with a spatula. Now you have to leave it to set I am afraid, at least 3 hours, or overnight, just not in the fridge

8. When it's set, it's time to get a little messy. Spread the left-over icing sugar mixture into a large tray and upend the marshmallow block into it. Dust the edges and a very sharp knife in the icing sugar. Cut your marshmallow into squares, re-coating your knife between cuts. As your cut the squares, roll the raw edges in the icing sugar

9. Time to dive in. They will keep for a couple of days, if they last that long, in an airtight container

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