I have always loved a bargain. I am sure I have mentioned this before. On the odd occasion, I may have possibly bought things I don't actually need just because they were cheap... Having recently trawled the local charity shops of Crouch End with my Mother, I have no idea where I get this from...
Anyhow. When I see a bargain in the supermarket or butcher or candlestick maker, I jump on it! Whilst looking for pork chops for two, I end up buying enough for eight to save myself 60p - a false economy? Perhaps, but I do love pork chops. On the plus side, I came up with this recipe when we needed to get through yet more chops this week and it was perfect for a hearty, wholesome supper that is quick, easy and satisfying.
Top Tip - Save the water from the butter beans and have a go at vegan meringues (recipe also on the website)
Ingredients. Serves 2
2 Pork Chops. Best at room temperature
1 Fennel Bulb, chopped into chunks (retain any of the leaves for serving)
3tsp Dried Sage
1 Onion, finely chopped
3 Fat Cloves of Garlic
1 Tin Chopped Tomatoes
1 Squeeze Tomato Puree
1 Tin Butter Beans, drained
1tsp Fennel Seeds
Drizzle of Maple Syrup
Salt & Pepper
Olive Oil
1. Preheat the oven to 200 fan. Roughly chop the fennel at add to a roasting tray with a glug of oil, the dried sage and salt and pepper. Roast for about 20 minutes until starting to brown at the edges
2. Meanwhile, sweat the onions and garlic gently in a pan with some oil for a few minutes, nice and slow, we don't want to burn anything. Add the tinned tomatoes and tomato puree and stir well. Add more salt and pepper to taste and simmer for 5 or 6 minutes to reduce slightly. Add the drained butter beans and stir through
3. Season your pork chops with salt and pepper, the fennel seeds and drizzle over the maple syrup and rub in with your hands
4. When the Fennel looks done, remove from the oven and pour over the tomato mixture and nestle the pork chops into the middle of everything
5. Reduce the oven to 180 fan and pop the tray back in for 20-25 minutes until the pork is cooked and the tomatoes have reduced further
6. Drizzle over more maple syrup and scatter any fennel leaves and serve in the middle of the table
