I don't know why I hadn't added this within the first minutes of the website being created, it is supposedly my favourite cocktail! I first tried the Widows Kiss in Balthazar's in Covent Garden, the brilliant NYC / French Bistro that has become a favourite of mine. It was December a few years ago and I was hanging! I think I had been at a work party the evening before, and these nights were epic. To recover, I had been taken ice skating at Somerset House - I ask you! Then we trooped down to Balthazar's and my life changed. I think what first attracted me to this cocktail was the Chartreuse, what a brilliant name, and the title itself - The Widows Kiss, conjuring up images of veiled ladies, black silk and death - I had an affinity that night...
Anyway, the booze is delicious and fortifying, Benedictine was supposedly first made by monks in the 18th Century and with its medicinal flavour and godly roots, one gets better with every sip! I certainly did anyhow.
Ingredients. For 1, so make more
2.5 Shots Apricot Brandy
0.75 Shot Benedictine
0.75 Shot Yellow Chartreuse
2 Dashes Angostura Bitters
1. Couldn't be easier, put all the booze in your cocktail shaker, with all the ice and shake your hangover away.
2. Strain into a fancy cocktail glass and garnish with a mint leaf or two
3. Steady on, two is OK, three can prove tricky...
