There are few books in my kitchen I turn too more often than 'The Flavour Thesaurus' by Niki Segnit, it is just the most helpful little book and I look in it almost everyday. I normally have a glut of some fruit or vegetable or leftover something-or-other and this little gem guides me with what flavours to experiment with. Such happened today with tomatoes, well sort of. The last of the plants had a handful or more tomatoes left that I picked and whilst looking through the book, started eating. The 'glut' became less, then became a few then became four....
I had already decided that horseradish was the way forward so I had to turn to a larder staple, good old tinned tomatoes, but my own homegrown were thrown in for good measure. The broccoli that was saved from the back of the fridge added a creaminess when it was all blended at the end. Extra horseradish swirled through at the end really pepped up the flavour!
Ingredients. Makes enough for 2
1 Medium Onion
1 Clove of Garlic
1 Small Green Chilli - homegrown if you can...
1/2 Head of Broccoli
1 Tin of Chopped Tomatoes
2 Tomato tins worth of Vegetable Stock
3tbsp Horseradish Cream
Olive Oil
Salt & Pepper
1. First chop all your ingredients. It makes life so much simpler. Add the onion to your soup pan with a glug of olive oil and soften over a gentle heat for 5 minutes
2. Add the garlic and chilli and cook for a further 5 minutes
3. Now add the broccoli and tin of tomatoes and stir
4. I made the stock in the tomato tin with half a stock cube and added to the pan. Repeat this to use the whole cube and two tins worth of water
5. Simmer gently for 25-30 minutes then blitz with the stick blender
6. Stir the horseradish through and season to taste with salt and pepper
7. Serve with more little swirls of horseradish and enjoy!
